The FinanZe Podcast, a podcast focused on educating Gen Z about finance and investing. I’m your host, Logan Lin. In this podcast I talk with the most distinguished and renowned CEOs, private equity investors, venture capitalists, investment bankers, and hedge fund managers on Wall Street. Welcome and let's start learning together!
Episode 3: Marketing 101 With The Chair Of Marketing At The University Of Michigan Ross School Of Business Fred Feinberg
In today’s episode, I am joined by Professor Fred Feinberg from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business. Mr. Feinberg got his PhD from MIT, and is the current chair of marketing at the Ross School of business. Prof. Feinberg's research examines how people make choices in uncertain environments. His work focuses on using statistical models to explain complex decision patterns, particularly involving sequential choices among related items (e.g., brands in the same category) and dyads (e.g., people choosing one another in online dating). He also works in mathematical psychology, Bayesian econometrics, dynamic programming, as well as models of advertising and consumer variety-seeking. He is Departmental Editor at Production and Operations Management, former Co-Editor of Marketing Science, and Associate Editor at Journal of Marketing Research. With Tom Kinnear and Jim Taylor, he is a co-author of the book, Modern Research; Cases, method, and concepts.
In our discussion we talk about the fundamentals of marketing and the analytics that go with it. Enjoy!!!!